When adopting a carnivore diet, many individuals experience changes in their digestive system, including constipation or diarrhea. These symptoms are common as the body adjusts to a significant shift in dietary intake, specifically the absence of dietary fiber.

Understanding Digestive Changes

The carnivore diet eliminates all plant-based foods, which are the primary sources of dietary fiber. Fiber aids in digestion by adding bulk to stools and facilitating regular bowel movements. Its absence can lead to constipation. Conversely, the increase in fat and protein intake can sometimes result in diarrhea, especially during the initial adjustment period as the digestive system adapts to processing higher amounts of these macronutrients.

Managing Digestive Changes

  • Hydration: Increasing water intake is crucial, especially if experiencing constipation, as it helps soften stools and promotes regularity.
  • Adjust Fat Intake: If diarrhea is an issue, consider adjusting the types of fats consumed and their quantities. Some individuals may find they tolerate certain fats better than others.
  • Electrolyte Balance: Maintaining a balance of electrolytes is important, as imbalances can exacerbate digestive issues. Adding a small amount of salt to your diet can help manage electrolyte levels.

Easing Into the Diet

  • Gradual Transition: For those who can, gradually reducing fiber and carbohydrates may allow the digestive system to adjust without severe symptoms.
  • Listen to Your Body: Paying attention to how different foods affect your digestion can help you adjust your diet to minimize discomfort.


Changes in digestion such as constipation or diarrhea are common when starting a carnivore diet but can be managed with appropriate strategies. It is important to monitor these symptoms and adjust dietary habits accordingly to maintain a healthy digestive system.